Well its the start of the month and time to reveal the winner of the OOPs employee of the month award again (even though it is a little late), and the winner is, Giantsockmontser, for his work on OOPs first submitted flash projects, so congrats GSM.
Our current releases, which now stand at twenty, can all be seen below: The following animations were done by Giantsockmonster, CubePanda , ChrisTobin and tripleDK.
1.When Pokemon go Bad episode 1
2.Destroy GSM
3.The Ugly Truth
4.Pimp Santa
5.TLOZ FG Trailer
6.Epic Brawl Parody
7.CubePanda's X-mas 2009
8.Our Xmas Message
9.The Ugly Truth 2
10. TLC Episode 1 (The Link Chronicles)
11. TLC Episode 2 (The Link Chronicles)
12. TMC Episode 1 (The Midnight Club)
13. Skull kid Shakespeare
14. NSZW Demo (New Super Zelda World)
15. TLOZ The Forgotten Legend 1 (The Legend of Zelda)
16. TLOZ The Forgotten Legend 2 (The Legend of Zelda)
17. Love is many ways
18. Cursed Mouse
19. Victory
20. Sunshine & Rainbows
Here is a list of a few projects we have in the works:
Project 1: Pokemon: When Pokemon go Bad (two more episodes) (being animated by Giantsockmonster and written by greatwh1teshark)
Project 2: The Charmeleon Chronicles: (two episodes) (being animated by Giantsockmonster and written by greatwh1teshark)
Project 3: LOZ (Legend of Zelda): (four episodes) (The Forgotten Legend: (being animated by CubePanda and written by Greatwh1teshark)
We do have a few other projects, but we are keeping them secret for now.
Open Ocean Productions Staff:
Board of Directors:
1. Greatwh1teshark
2. Betteratbrawl7777
3. Sorrygirl99
4. Xellon
5. Fourswordsking
Ads Consultant:
1. Greatwh1teshark
2. Betteratbrawl7777
5. FourSwordsKing
6. Sniperleader1337
7. TripleDK
18. Pat61
Voice actors:
2. Betteratbrawl7777
8. TheFlame Alchemist
9. Kittensinafryingpan
10. TripleDK
18. Pat61
21. ChrisTobin
Music composers:
12. brkzeld
13. LonelyAngle
18. Pat61
10. TripleDK
14. IKanzAnimate
15. bocodamondo
16. Mabelma
17. toontown1
5. FourSwordsKing
10. TripleDK
17. toontown1
18. Zookyman2
19. Giantsockmonster
20. CubePanda
22. iloveicelollies
10. TripleDK
21. ChrisTobin
Well that;s all from us for now, ciao everyone.